Jakarta - The Harry Potter fans are reminded to be vigilant.Perpetrators of cyber crimes center to savor the moments'euphoria' Harry Potter by sending spam.
Most of the spam related to the launch site Pottermorescheduled for October. It is a virtual world as well as a site designed to sell the ebook version of the Harry Potter novels thatmade the novelist JK Rowling.
Currently the website is still in beta. Register Pottermore betaversion, which opened on July 31 have now been closed downand many fans of Harry Potter can not wait to Pottermoreopened to the public in October.
Well, this situation is further exploited by cyber criminals tospread spam promising preview and privileged access toPottermore. Security researcher Chris Boyd from GFI Softwareto mention there are several common types of spam are namedas spam 'Pottermania'.
Reported by PC World and quoted on Sunday (08/07/2011),Boyd said one example is a YouTube video titled 'AccessPottermore-Beta-I got in! "which leads the user enters a surveyrelating to marketing.
Some search results with keyword 'Pottermore' was detectedcontaining a link malware and trojan viruses. There is also a betaaccount Pottermore sold on auction site eBay. Knowing this, the site admin warned Pottermore.
"Please do not buy, sell or transfer the account Pottermore beta.Getting regitrasi beta Pottermore with the aim of selling thedetailed information the registrar to take advantage, not onlyhinder the chances of the original Harry Potter fans get privileged access but also violates our rules," writes admin Pottermore .
source detikinet.com
Cyber Criminals Take Harry Potter Fans
Diposting oleh Ed'Gar Whilseon di 01.15
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